
Thursday, April 5, 2007

Gw Banget ga siyyyy... heueheuheuehe


* Attractive personality * Affectionate * Shy and reserved * Secretive * Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic * Loves peace and serenity * Sensitive to others * Loves to serve others * Not easily angered * Trustworthy * Appreciative and returns kindness * Observant and assess others * Revengeful * Loves to dream and fantasize * Loves traveling * Loves attention * Loves home decors * Musically talented * Loves special things * Moody


Anonymous said...

eh kutilll!!! kamana wungkul... Emang sih, Put banget deh. cuman da 1 yg ga mungkin banget tuh... "shy" ???? shy timana horeng. shy shy cat meureun nya. itu jg kalo di depan org yg dia suka... hahhaha. kalo di depan qta2 sih... shy shy tiger.. hahahaha kalo ga tau malu n malu2in, baru deh... pas... nya teu??? (LOL)

JustShePut said...

kekekeekeke dasar borokokok...!!!!!